City Dairy Toronto
Why Collect Dairy?
The purpose of this website is to ensure that Ontario's Dairy's history is not forgotten.The goal is to provide information to both collector's and enthusiasts. It showcases some of the content of two publications that I have completed with added information on Ontario Dairies and the dairy collecting hobby.
Why Collect Dairy? Why save all this old dairy stuff? As a collector I would respond to you that, I am someone too young to have lived when they were part of everyday life but thrilled at any chance to find and preserve them, One who can only rely on the research, study and interpretation of existing past documents, images, advertisements, newspapers, historical periodicals and memories to bring their tale to life. A collector seeks not only artefacts but knowledge. This collecting allows that knowledge once known and now forgotten to be shared with fellow collectors. It provides a connection to the past. Each treasured piece to a collector, whether it be a bottle, milk cap, ticket, sign, token, recipe book or yet to be discovered item is often part of our collective culture and heritage. What if those dairy souvenirs could speak? Preserving these items, It gives a glimpse of their history and daily function.
A Yellow Wagon on Every Street